## Loading required package: sp
## Checking rgeos availability: TRUE
## OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile
## Source: "/Users/austinsmith/Documents/SDM_spatial_data/Bird_life_galliformes_fgip/Alectoris_chukar/Alectoris_chukar.shp", layer: "Alectoris_chukar"
## with 3 features
## It has 18 fields
## Integer64 fields read as strings: OBJECTID SISID PRESENCE ORIGIN SEASONAL
## OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile
## Source: "/Users/austinsmith/Downloads/ne_110m_admin_1_states_provinces/ne_110m_admin_1_states_provinces.shp", layer: "ne_110m_admin_1_states_provinces"
## with 51 features
## It has 83 fields
## Integer64 fields read as strings: ne_id
## Loading required namespace: rgeos
## Fold_1 Fold_2 Fold_3 Fold_4 Fold_5
## ANN 0.997 0.997 0.997 0.996 0.996
## GBM 0.988 0.991 0.995 0.991 0.987
## MaxEnt 0.992 0.999 0.999 0.997 0.998
## RF 0.997 0.998 0.998 0.999 0.998
## SVM 0.914 0.996 0.996 0.994 0.996
## Loading required package: ggplot2
## Loading required package: magrittr
## Attaching package: 'magrittr'
## The following object is masked from 'package:raster':
## extract
## Attaching package: 'ggpubr'
## The following object is masked from 'package:raster':
## rotate
There are three types of ensemble models below. * Mean-value - calcuated, unweighted mean value for each cell in the raster (traditional) * Voting-polls(VP) - allows us to see how many folds voted on the raster cell * Unanimous decision - shows which location all folds agreed on
Insert discription of ann.
Suitability threshhold = 0.0347402
Suitability threshhold = 0.0641611
Suitability threshhold = 0.0951801
Suitability threshhold = 0.0495876
Suitability threshhold = 0.04054
Suitability threshhold = 0.0568418
Insert discription of boosted trees.
Suitability threshhold = -4.2633938
Suitability threshhold = -4.1765705
Suitability threshhold = -3.3434323
Suitability threshhold = -3.5482324
Suitability threshhold = -4.2504879
Suitability threshhold = -3.9164234
Insert discription of maxent.
Suitability threshhold = 0.218207
Suitability threshhold = 0.1402118
Suitability threshhold = 0.3381145
Suitability threshhold = 0.1019353
Suitability threshhold = 0.2440821
Suitability threshhold = -3.9164234
Insert discription of random forest.
Suitability threshhold = 0.0303667
Suitability threshhold = 0.0662333
Suitability threshhold = 0.1232
Suitability threshhold = 0.2642475
Suitability threshhold = 0.1179
Suitability threshhold = 0.1203895
Insert discription of support vector machines
Suitability threshhold = 0.0085674
Suitability threshhold = 0.0087646
Suitability threshhold = 0.014438
Suitability threshhold = 0.0108407
Suitability threshhold = 0.0101643
Suitability threshhold = 0.010555
plot(crop( ensemble_sum , states) == 5, xlim = c( left, right ), ylim =c( bottom , top ))
plot(states, add = T)
plot(naturalized, add = T, border = "red")
legend("bottomright", c( "True range"),col=c( "red"), lty =1 )
all_folds <- sum( ann_sum,
plot(crop( all_folds , states), xlim = c( left, right ), ylim =c( bottom , top ))
plot(states, add = T)
plot(naturalized, add = T, border = "red")
legend("bottomright", c( "True range"),col=c( "red"), lty =1 )
plot(crop( all_folds , states) == 25, xlim = c( left, right ), ylim =c( bottom , top ))
plot(states, add = T)
plot(naturalized, add = T, border = "red")
legend("bottomright", c( "True range"),col=c( "red"), lty =1 )